Jury Summons Response Letter
January 14, 2003
Ms. Gloria Gomez
Director, Juror Services Division
Office of Jury Commissioner
320 W. Temple Street, 15th Floor
Los Angeles, California 90012-3278
Re; JID Number - 123456789
Dear Ms. Gomez,
I have recently received a "Juror Summons" in the mail. This is my response to the Summons. In order to know if I am "qualified" to be a juror, I must complete "section A" - the Affidavit. I notice that I am expected to sign the Affidavit under penalty of perjury. In light of this fact, and to insure that I fully understand the legal terms being used on the Affidavit and the nature of the duty that may fall upon me in this matter, I will need your office to provide me with certain information.
- In section "A", question 1, I am being asked if I am a "citizen of the United States". Please provide me with the statutory definition that you are using for the term "citizen of the United States" in question 1. Please include the source of the definition so that it may be seen in proper context.
- In section "A", question 3, I am being asked if I am a "resident" of Los Angeles County. Please provide me with the statutory definition that you are using for the term "resident" in question 3. Please include the source of the definition so that it may be seen in proper context.
- In section "A" (step 2) it instructs a person to sign the affidavit under penalty of perjury. Please provide me with your authority to compel me to affix my signature to any document (including the affidavit) under penalty of perjury.
You may mail your response to address shown at the top of this page. I appreciate your assistance in this matter.
Joe Citizen